Facebook Sues New Zealand Firm For Selling Fake Likes On Instagram

Facebook has filed a lawsuit in the US against a New Zealand-based company and three individuals that it says have been selling 'fake likes' on Instagram.

Through websites such as SocialEnvy.co, IGFamous.net and Likesocial.co, says Facebook, Social Media Series Limited and its directors made more than $9.4 million by selling fake engagement to Instagram users.

The three directors of the company have been named locally as Arend Alexander Hubert Nollen, Leon Francis Hedges and David James Pekka Pasanen. Facebook says it sent cease-and-desist letters to two of the company's directors in July and December last year.

"We previously suspended accounts associated with the defendants and formally warned them in writing that they were in violation of our Terms of Use, however their activity persisted," says Jessica Romero, Facebook's director of platform enforcement and litigation. Read more at Forbes


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