Facebook has much to cheer about. As has become increasingly clear, the public no longer seems to care about their digital privacy or security

This week was both fantastic and terrible for Facebook. Its latest earnings report shows the company has become an unstoppable force whose user growth and profits are immune to its never-ending parade of privacy and security breaches. Even the FCC appears willing to back down from its confrontation with the company and slap it with a fine that amounts to just a tiny fraction of its quarterly profit, making even legal violations nothing more than the cost of doing business. At the same time, Facebook confronts newly emboldened regulators around the world all clamoring for their own chance to bring the world’s most powerful gatekeeper to heel. The only problem is that Facebook may already be unstoppable.

Facebook has much to cheer about.

As has become increasingly clear, the public no longer seems to care about their digital privacy or security.

Despite breach after breach after breach after breach, users aren’t leaving and aren’t demanding any changes to the company’s business practices. In fact, Facebook is only growing bigger as more users clamor to jump onboard the privacy wreck. Read more at Forbes


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