Best Antivirus for your Windows Desktop

Windows 10 came with Microsoft's  own Antivirus, previously known as Microsoft Security Essentials,  built in. When it was separate package and was free to download, nobody cared and users where using Antiviruses produced by other companies, thinking that McAfee or Kaspersky will do the job better.
I personaly stopped using antiviruses on Windows long ago. As a more advanced user i know very well what and when is no-no to do in Windows  and how to tighten Windows security before going online.

But most users are not geeks and dont even have time to pay much attention to technical details and procedures. This fact combined with exceptionaly unsecure nature of Windows (any of them -  XP, 7, 10) makes a serious point in getting fresh and updated Antivirus suit, preferably respectfull and not acting like virus and not spying on you. Read fresh PCworld overview of available solutions 



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